
One Lot at a Time: Ten tools for redesigning communities : CBC directors Sallie Hood and Ron Sakal’s manifesto in Traditional Building magazine: We don’t need any more suburbs. We need to fix the ones we have, and we need to fix our eroding, suburbanizing cities, one parking lot at a time.
CBC on solving the energy crisis, at the ND Sustainable Energy Forum : Al Gore urged Americans to drive less, but he failed to mention…

The Center for Building Communities needs your help . . . in order to help. Read more


Affordable housing isn’t just a buzzword or an afterthought. It creates options for the poor, the working poor, and key workers like teachers, health workers, firefighters, and police officers who often can´t afford to live where they work. “Read more >”:/about/what-sets-us-apart


Anything that you can keep doing for a long period is “sustainable.” You can stay up all night to cram for one exam, but staying up 24/7 isn’t sustainable. What does it take for an activity, or a building, or a community to be sustainable? “Read more >”:/about/what-sets-us-apart

Catholic Social Thought

The CBC´s approach fits with the University of Notre Dame´s mission “to create a sense of human solidarity and concern for the common good that will bear fruit as learning becomes service to justice,” and with several more specific principles of Catholic social thought. “Read more >”:/about/what-sets-us-apart

Building Communities

Cities are big, dense, and diverse. Ideally they also bring people together, fostering both public life (civil interactions among strangers) and community life (neighboring among friends and acquaintances). Why are some places lively and others dead? “Read more >”:/about/what-sets-us-apart